Sometimes, it’s best to keep it brief.

Something that I have struggled with my entire life is having a short attention span. I often get tired of doing one thing for an extended period of time. This often makes me struggle to get things done, or makes me force myself to finish things within a very short amount of time. While there are so many things that I can say about my attention span, I would like to focus on one of my interests instead.

Reading is very fun. I enjoy reading and writing stories on my free time. However, due to the issue I discussed earlier, it can be hard to keep up with this interest of mine. In fact, many people tend to avoid getting into reading due to the somewhat tedious nature of it. This is where flash fiction comes in.

Flash fiction is similar to short stories, but they are even shorter. These stories are densely packed stories of few words that can scratch that reading itch without presenting itself as a daunting task. They can be read in short bursts, and can be completed in a short period of time. They are perfect for me and my fellow story-lovers with short attention spans.

I recommend online publications like Flash Fiction Magazine and Flash Fiction Online for a reliable, steady stream of flash fiction.

2 Responses

  1. I have never heard of flash fiction before. It sounds a little bit like, the TikTok of writing. Short, easily digestible content that can be read very quickly! I should look into that later on!

  2. I too have a hard time focusing for long periods of time. I start the day doing one thing and minutes later I am doing another task, by the end of the day I have done everything but the task I set out to do. one coping mechanism that helped me is to create a system for prioritizing my day. I make to-do lists and even when I get distracted I always force myself to set back on the list.

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